Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Dear 3rd grade parents,
As you know, 3rd grade has been a year of learning responsibility and independence.  In a class of 25 kiddos the ability levels in these areas have quite a range.  I have been working with my class this year to take steps in turning in their own work, asking questions, thinking critically on their own, fixing their mistakes, etc.  I do all of this to help prepare them for 4th grade where the work load is greater and a lot less hand-holding occurs.

I am taking the kids a step toward this once again as the new semester begins by holding them more accountable for their work.  In the past week a total of 45 assignments have not been turned in on time.  I have been lenient with them getting back into the swing of school and there have not been any new consequences other than having a 0% entered into the gradebook.  Mr. Donze has been writing the missing assignments up on the board to remind the kids to turn them in before they go outside.  Even still I have a large list of work that is still missing.  I will be entering these grades into MyKoob tonight so that you can see them.  If your child has a 1% it is because they chose not to do their work or turn it in.

Here is our 2nd semester homework policy:
1. Homework is due right away in the morning.
2.  I will have a list of items to turn in on the board each morning.
3. After Mr. Donze checks the baskets, he will write up who is missing what assignments.
4. If your child has not turned something in, they have 1 week to turn it in.  After 1 week, they will receive an automatic 50% for the work they turn in.
5. Any late work (except for absent work) will receive 1 letter grade lower than it would have it was on time.
6. If all the kids in our class turn in their assignments for the day, the class will receive a letter on the board.  Once they spell "HOMEWORK" they will receive a class party at the end of a day that week.

This policy will go into affect starting today.  Please encourage your child to turn their work in on time.

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