Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23rd

Hello parents,
We have entered 4th quarter and it is full of fun things.  Here are all of the things that will be taking place between now and the end of the year.  Please mark these things on your calendar ASAP.

  1. New Terrific Tuesday sessions - crosstitch with Mrs. Brannan and Mrs. Ann Schmidt (grades 3-4)
  2. The Operetta - April 23rd at 7pm (your kiddos need to be present)
  3. Grandparents Day - April 23rd
  4. Amazing Race Field Trip in Forest Park - TBA
  5. Zoo Field Trip - TBA
  6. Chapel on Maundy Thursday
  7. Good Friday - early dismissal at 12
  8. No School on Easter Monday
  9. Achievement Tests - April 13-16
  10. Field Day
I had originally thought that we would do another round of the Tic-tac-toe board projects to finish up this Book Club.  However, I have rethought schedules and we will be doing things in class this week to summarize and present the books that they read.  You can plan on a small chunk of this for homework on Thursday if your child has not finished it up in class already.  

We are talking about the Sacrament of Baptism this week.  It would be a great time to share memories and discuss your own child's baptism with them.  They love to make it personal wherever possible.  Next week we will be focusing on the events of Holy Week.  

Social Studies
Tomorrow we will be starting a new unit on our country's government.  This is a necessary part of our curriculum, but it is notoriously tough for the kids.  The vocabulary is more difficult and it involves a lot of brand new concepts to the kids.  They will be tested on this at the end of our unit.  It would be very beneficial to review/discuss what we talked about in class each day.  This could even be a short question and answer session to review vocab for the branches of government, or finding topics in the media to reinforce with.  Learning about our government is an essential part of being a good citizen and I love teaching it to the kids.  Thanks in advance for your help and extra patience.  

We are still working on our multiplication tables as well as getting into harder concepts during 4th quarter.  Keep up the good work.   

Thursday, March 5, 2015

CCLS on Instagram

Hello parents,
I am trying to be more up to date and informative to you.  At our recent conference back in February, I heard that a lot of teachers post pictures and videos from their day on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  This makes it extremely easy to share the positive day to day happenings of our class with you and others who want to know more about CCLS.  If you'd like to see our class photos and know a little more about what we do each week here is how you can follow me:

Instagram: brittbes12
Facebook: Brittnie Besel Glackin
Twitter: bbeselglackin

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week of March 2nd

Hello parents,
I am so desperately hoping that this is the last week of really cold weather.  We NEED to be able to go outside soon.  Here is our plan for the week:

I am reading The Magician's Nephew to our class and we are doing activities with the book until we finish it.  We will then be reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as a follow up book intermittently throughout our days.  These are a part of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia series.  They have great symbolism that ties into several Bible stories and also Lent/Easter.  It is always fun to see the kids so engaged in books that help grow their faith and reading skills at the same time.

We are doing Book Clubs with Beverly Cleary books for the next two weeks.  I will send home another packet for book projects next week.  The project will be due on Monday March 23rd (after spring break).

We are working on writing dialogue into our stories and learning how to use quotation marks.  In your child's planner you should see assignments called "Snowman".  They simply need to write about this prompt:
Write a story about you and a snowman spending the day together.  Your snowman can talk, so you need to show me your conversations in your story.  
Due dates are :
- Rough draft due Wed. 3/4
- Picture and Final Draft due Fri. 3/6

We will be talking about how to use quotation marks correctly throughout the week.  Using quotations and having correct spelling and grammar is what the assignment will be graded on.  They will turn in their final draft by entering it onto Kidblog by Friday 3/6.  I will show them how to upload a picture with it as well.

Our class will be doing chapel next Wednesday March 11th.  You are welcome to join us!  This is our rescheduled time.  Chapel starts at 8:35 am.

End of Quarter
I will not be able to take anymore late work for the quarter unless it's due date was between March 2nd and March 6th.  Report cards will be coming out on Friday March 13th.  Please be sure that I have your child's service project form by this Friday March 6th.