Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dinner Auction Sign Up

We still need lots of help with the dinner auction.  Our class is quickly falling behind filling the 2-2-1-1-5 volunteer challenge.  Here's the link again to sign up.  Thanks for all your help!

Dinner Auction Sign Up

Seasons Quiz

On Thursday, we will be having a short quiz on seasons.  Here is what the kids should know.  

Vocab Words
1. rotation
2. revolution
3. orbit
4. hemisphere
5. equator

The kids should also be able to look at a picture like this and tell me which season the starred point is based on it's positioning with the sun.  

I will also ask them to write a couple of sentences explaining how all of these words determine seasons.  This will be a short quiz to check for understanding and just a few points.  Happy studying!

4 Days and Counting!

It's almost Christmas break and I know we are all running around like crazy people (myself included).  Your kiddos worked extremely hard for me last week trying to finish up all the projects and assignments that I gave them.  Therefore, this week is the week of catch up and focus on the real reason for Christmas.  I refuse to be a part of the reason that your family does not have time to remember Jesus.  This is truly why we are here on this earth and why our lives have meaning.  Here's what our week will look like:

New Assignments
*Spelling Project - due Fri. (follow format from the blog)
*Seasons Quiz - Thurs. ( I will post what study for in a separate post)
*x10 Test/redos and all X 9 redos done by Friday
*Spelling and Memory Tests on Friday

Other than these assignments, we will be finishing things up in class and talking about Christmas.
Thanks for all of your hard work this quarter.
Only 4 more days!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

CCLS Dinner Auction

We need your help filling a challenge quota for this year's auction.  I am passing this message along on behalf of the auction committee.  If our class meets this challenge, your kiddos will earn a free dress day!!  Thanks for your support.

The CCLS Dinner Auction will be held on 2-21-15.  The "2-2-1-1-5 Classroom Challenge" is a chance for all CCLS families to participate, even if they cannot attend the event.  Each classroom that collectively donates each of the following will be awarded a "Free Dress & Popcorn Day" (for Elementary and Middle School Classes) or "Teddy Bear & Popcorn Day" (for ECE Classes): 

2 Volunteers--2 Desserts--1 Auction Item--1 Table of Guests--5 Raffle Tickets

Parents can sign up to contribute these Challenge items, by classroom, on our Volunteer Spot "2-2-1-1-5 Classroom Challenge" site at this link.  We will post progress of each classroom in meeting the Challenge on our Dinner Auction Website.  The deadline for completing the Challenge is January 16, 2015If you have any questions about the Challenge, or the Dinner Auction in general, please feel free to contact Jen Pawlitz, Dinner Auction Co-Chair, or Erica Eggerding, Acquisitions Manager, at auction@ccls-stlouis.org.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week of Dec. 8th

This week's stories are Reader's Theater scripts about Christmas.  All of these stories are fun, but none of them talk about Jesus.  We will be working with story maps as we prepare these Reader's
Theaters and find ways to add Jesus into them.

We are finishing up our weather unit by making our own weather forecast.  Please remember:
     10 days of Weather Logs are due on Friday.

I will be very intentional about giving little to no homework on Wednesday nights.  My hope is that this will free up your night so that you may worship with your family for Advent services.

Please keep working on Memory and Times Tables.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

1st Week of December

It's December and the temperatures show it.  I cannot believe how far your kiddos have come already this year.  The Thanksgiving Unit was a great testament to their hard work and I am so proud of them.  THANK YOU to everyone who came, volunteered, cooked food, told your child great job, struggled through the project at home with their child, or told someone else about our feast.  We count on all of these things happening in order for our feast to be a success, and it definitely was this year.  Thank you again for all the work you put into helping us!

This week we are back to normal school schedules.  Here's what's on the agenda:

Mr. Fishburn put together a series of Advent lessons for us that are based on the book Voices of Christmas by Nikki Grimes.  Talk about these lessons each day with your kiddos and I think you'll be amazed at how well they share their faith.  By special request, here is the song we discussed today.

I have put directions for spelling on the spelling page.  We will continue with the posted schedule every week until further notice.

We are getting back to normal math homework (facts sheets and homework pages).  We will also be teaching and testing multiplication tables 6-10 from now until Christmas.  I will post the testing schedule on my Math page to cut down on confusion.  After Christmas we will go back and continue reviewing multiplication.

We are starting our Weather unit.  This will take us all the way up to Christmas break.  A calendar with major due dates went home in their Science binders today.  We may add a few small/in class assignments, but the major dates are listed.   Our ending goal is to have the kids do a mini version of what this young man does in the video below.

This week we are reading the fun autobiography of author Helen Lester.  The skill to focus on is the Author's Purpose.  Here is the link to the lesson we did in class.  It may help to review this at home.  Or maybe just ask your kiddos to teach you PIE.  Teaching concepts to other people is the number one way to solidify it in your own mind.  

Important Dates
Thurs. 12/4 - Last day to bring in Kirk Care items
Fri. 12/5 - Uganda Choir MS - 9am  ELEM - 2 pm
Fri. 12/19 - Last Day of School before Christmas Break/Christmas party @ 2pm