Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week of February 15th

Dear Parents,
As we move closer and closer to 4th quarter, I want to share with you how proud I am of your kiddos.  They have made so much progress and I am able to do a lot of fun and challenging things with them in class.  Thank you for your hard work in helping them get to this point.  Here's a look at the next couple weeks.

Important Dates:

  • Friday Feb. 19th  - Trivia Night 6pm - 10pm at Middle School Campus Gym
    • (Our class will win a free dress day if we put together a table of 8) 
  • Wednesday March 2nd - Class Chapel Day  8:35 am - 9:15 am  
    • Our class is presenting chapel that day.  Please feel free to come and join us. 
  • March 14-18th - NO School - Spring Break
  • March 25th - NO School - Good Friday
  • March 28th - NO School - Easter Monday
  • April 11th-15th - Achievement Testing Week
  • April 21st - Elementary Grandparent's Day; look for schedule soon
    •   7:00 p.m. Elementary Operetta at Webster Gardens 
  • May 26th - Last Day of School; Join us for closing worship and early dismissal 

Our class is presenting chapel at the elementary building on March 2nd.  We will take the next 2 weeks to prepare for this in our religion class.  Please come join us on March 2nd (8:35 - 9:15).

Our multiplication memorization is in full swing now!  I am sending packets of study guides home with your kiddos to help them study.  It is essential that they master these facts by the end of the year in order to be ready for 4th grade math.  Please take opportunities to study in the car or quiz your kiddos at home on these.

We finished up Charlotte's Web last week and are starting the next session of "Book Clubs" with The Boxcar Children #1.  Your kiddos are in groups and are learning the structure of book clubs as we all read this book over the next couple of weeks.  You can expect a project that will need to be completed at home when we are finished with this book.  I expect that your kiddos should be able to complete these projects fairly independently (short of gathering materials and blocking out time at home).  You will see more details about this as we work our way through the book.

We are finishing up our space unit and you can expect to see videos of your kids on the science page of this blog by early next week.  Also, check out the toilet paper lining the upstairs hallway.  Your kids measured to scale the distance of each planet in the solar system from the sun.  We had a great time!

Thanks for all you do at home and have a great week!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week of February 1st

Hello parents,
We had such a fun week last week celebrating our Lutheran School.  We finished off the week watching the movie "Rio" in the gym as a school in our PJ's.  Although it was very fun, it caused me to miss sending home the spelling word bank and contract over the weekend.  I deeply apologize for this and will be helping the kids in class today to get their lists ready to come home for the week.  Here's a look a what is going on this week:

Religion: Our wonderful seminary student, Mr. Sessa, is teaching your kiddos the Lord's Prayer from the Catechism.  He is doing a great job and the kids love him.

Math:  This week we are talking about geometry.  We will be working with rectangles and grids a lot.  This is the last week of addition and subtraction facts before we move on to multiplication.  If your kiddos don't know all of their addition facts they will need to work on these on their own at home and over the summer.  You will also see a short fact sheet of multiplication tables coming home as homework each day.  This will help them get more practice in for their timed tests in class.  

Reading:  We are going to be reading Charlotte's Web by E.B. White as a class.  I will be teaching them the format of book clubs with this book and you will be seeing some reading and comprehension sheets as homework.  Check your child's planner for exact homework as it will vary from day to day.

Grammar: We have been learning about quotation marks and I will expect your kiddos to apply this skill to their writing from now on.  Towards the end of the week we will begin talking about verbs for the next few weeks.

Science: We have about 1 week left in our space unit.  It has come to my attention that the moon is not visible until very late at night right now.  The best time to view it is between 11 pm and 10 am.  If you are having trouble doing the moon observations try looking for it in the morning or using the FREE version of the app "Skyview".

CCLS Trivia Night
Hopefully you have heard about our upcoming CCLS Trivia Night on Friday, February 19, 2016.  I wanted to tell you about an exciting classroom challenge we are doing for the students.  Here's how it works.  If your child's class fills 1 table (either full of classroom parents or family friends), your child's classroom will receive a Leap Day Free Dress Day on February 29, 2016.  When you click the link to sign up, just note in the appropriate section which class should receive credit.  We will take it from there.  

We hope you make plans to attend this fun evening.  It will be a great night to socialize with other CCLS families.

Important Dates: 

Tuesday, February 9th - Teacher Professional Development Day; NO School
                                        CCLS Day @ Hidden Valley Ski Resort
February 12th - Valentine's Day Party @ 2:00 p.m.
February 15th - NO School; Presidents' Day

March 14-18th - NO School - Spring Break
March 25th - NO School - Good Friday
March 28th - NO School - Easter Monday

April 11th-15th - Achievement Testing Week
April 21st - Elementary Grandparent's Day
   7:00 p.m. Elementary Operetta at Webster Gardens 

May 26th - Last Day of School; Join us for closing worship and early dismissal 

Tuesday, February 9th - Teacher Professional Development Day; NO School
                                        CCLS Day @ Hidden Valley Ski Resort
February 12th - Valentine's Day Party @ 2:00 p.m.
February 15th - NO School; Presidents' Day

March 14-18th - NO School - Spring Break
March 25th - NO School - Good Friday
March 28th - NO School - Easter Monday

April 11th-15th - Achievement Testing Week
April 21st - Elementary Grandparent's Day
   7:00 p.m. Elementary Operetta at Webster Gardens 

May 26th - Last Day of School; Join us for closing worship and early dismissal