Spring break is over already and we are down to just one quarter of school left. Thanks for all of your support so far this year. I am so proud of your kids and the way they have grown up. Lately I have caught them pulling out books and homework all on their own when they finish things early or have a spare minute during transition times. We have talked about this all year, but now they do it without reminders or prompts. Maturity and responsibility are blossoming!
Here's what we have going on for the next couple of weeks:
We are discussing baptism and all of the gifts that God showers on us through this sacrament.
We will be focusing our attention on a lot of geometry concepts in the next week or so. On Monday Mrs. Reck-Meyer came in and helped us use 3D pens to draw rectangular prisms. Check out our pictures on Twitter!
We have been working on writing a personal narrative. The final copy of this will be due on Monday. Since everyone works at a different pace, I can't give specific assignments. We will be doing mini lessons in class and I will be conferencing with each child during class time. They will be responsible for completing all of the steps and having a final copy to turn in on Monday. I am linking all of the videos we watched as a part of our mini lessons in class below and will also send home a rubric so they clearly know the expectations for their published copy.
Writing a Personal Narrative
We have been talking about finding the problem and solution in passages/stories that we read. Next week we will begin a research project where we read non-fiction news articles and dissect the problem and solution. Then the kids will report on those articles and be asked to come up with innovative solutions to the problems they report on. This will be a project that takes us a couple of weeks, but is well worth the time. I love how it makes them think outside of our Lutheran bubble and gives them a chance to be more ministry minded.
We are discussing patterns of motion right now and have been conducting several experiments in class to help us observe these patterns and collect data.
Important Dates:
April 13th: Maundy Thursday - 4th Grade will lead chapel at 8:35 a.m.
April 14th: Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
April 17th: Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
April 27th: Grandparent's Day and Operetta
May 1st-5th: Standardized Testing Week
May 19th: Field Day
May 26th: Last Day of School - Closing Chapel at 8:45 a.m. - please join us
Dismissal at 11 a.m.
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