Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May is Here!

May is here...the year went so fast!  Here are the important notes for the last few weeks of school.  I will most likely not do another blog post until the last week of school.  I will however, send out a couple of quick email reminders about things when needed.

Our last couple of weeks will be spent doing one last book club.  We will be reading a variety of books written by Beverly Cleary.  She writes wonderful stories that are intended for this exact age group.  As we read these, I hope that this may be a good introduction to reading over the summer.  Beverly Cleary has so many different books that reach all interests and my hope is that I will hook most of the kids enough that they will want to read another one of her stories over the summer.

We are finishing up our last big writing unit and will be publishing our non-fiction pieces next week.  We will see how much time we have left once these are published.  I would like to do a couple of shorter and more informal pieces, but that depends on time.

I have planned out my goal for math until the end of the year.  We will be going through lesson 101.  Here is the testing schedule (of course this may vary if we need to review a concept or if flooding/achievement tests bend our schedule).
May 5 - May 11 - Lessons 91 through 96
Thursday May 11 - Study Guide sent home
Friday May 12 - Test
May 15 - 18 - Lessons 97-100/100
Thursday May 18 - Final Study Guide sent home
Tuesday May 23 - Last Math Test

Social Studies
We will spend the next two weeks looking at Immigration into America.  I will be sending a note home that explains more of what we will cover.  The basic overview is that we will take a virtual tour of Ellis Island and look at the various groups that have immigrated to America through Ellis Island.  We will not be talking too much about our country's current immigration.  However, this will be a good opportunity for you to talk with your kids about the following:
1. Where did your family come from? We would love to have them be able to share some personal stories about how their families became Americans!  
2. Current events with immigration in our country.  I know this is a sensitive and controversial topic.  While I do feel that it is important for our kids to be a part of the discussion, I do not feel that it is always my place to give them all of that information, especially at this young age.  I encourage you to help them be good researchers and look up reliable information on this topic.  My goal is not to sway them in one direction, but rather to make them learn how to be informed and knowledgeable citizens as they grow up.  I hope that my students can learn how to take in information and form their own opinion based on facts (not heresay) and God's Word.

Grandparents' Day Photos
I took a photo of each child with their guests last week and have put them into a google folder for you to download/print on your own.  I will be having them use these photos in the thank you notes we send out next week, so please don't share with grandparents just yet! At least wait until they get their thank you letters in the mail.  I had a great time meeting your parents!

Here is the link to the folder:

Amazing Race Field Trip

Monday May 22nd is our field trip to Forest Park for the Amazing Race.  This is a very fun day that requires a lot of parents to be present.  I guarantee you will have fun while getting exercise for your legs and brain!  Here's a couple of things to keep in mind:

1. Parents will be assigned to a group of 3-4 students (we can put more than one adult in a group if you can only come for part of the day)

2. Make sure you and your child wear weather appropriate clothing.  We will be outside ALL DAY! You will want to wear exercise clothes and tennis shoes.  

3. This is a giant scavenger hunt that parents lead the kids on around Forest Park.  The clues are on an app called Klikaklu.  This app is only on iphones unfortunately.  If you don't have an iphone, you can still come.  We will just arrange our groups accordingly.  

4. We try to start the race as close to 9 am as possible.  Groups finish at different times so we just have the finished groups head over to the playground while they wait.  We will eat lunch there and then head home sometime around 1:30.  

5. If you know that you would like to come, please RSVP and let me know if you have access to an iphone or ipad with cell service.  It's easiest if you tell me what type of device you have available to you.  

6. We will be going rain or shine, as long as it is safe for the kids (obviously no thunderstorms or giant downpours.  

Field Day
Friday May 19th is Field Day!  Mrs. Knost is very good about sending out emails that explain this day to parents.  Be sure to look for her emails for more information.  Just remember: 
  • Chapel Family color assignments
  • $1 for Ted Drewes ice cream (Give to Mrs. Glackin)
  • Bring water bottle and extra clothes (probably even extra shoes and underwear)
Important Dates

May 19th: Field Day
May 22nd: Amazing Race Field Trip 
May 26th: Last Day of School - Closing Chapel at 8:45 a.m. - please join us
                 Dismissal at 11 a.m. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19th

We have created art and done reflection pieces on each day of Holy Week.  We are slowly working on publishing those and putting them up on the wall you run into as you come downstairs.  Come check out the beautiful work your kiddos have done!

We are still working on division, multiplication facts, and practicing for our Achievement Tests in a couple of weeks.  

Writing and Reading: 
Last week we began a Non-Fiction writing unit as well as a project that involves your kids doing some reporting.  These are pretty big projects and we will be continuing them for the next couple of weeks so that we have nice finished work to display for our Grandparents! 

Grandparents' Day: 
Next Thursday April 27th is Grandparents' Day.  Please make sure to check out the link below for more information and RSVP your guests.  As always, Grandparents are welcome to take students off campus for lunch after the classroom sessions.  They may also stay here at school and eat lunch if they choose.  Please just make sure to mark what they will be doing when they RSVP.  It also helps to let your child know who will be coming and what their lunch plans are.  It creates a much smoother day for all of us if your child is in the know!

Amazing Race Field Trip:
Monday May 22nd is our field trip to Forest Park for the Amazing Race.  This is a very fun day that requires a lot of parents to be present.  I guarantee you will have fun while getting exercise for your legs and brain!  Here's a couple of things to keep in mind:
1. Parents will be assigned to a group of 3-4 students (we can put more than one adult in a group if you can only come for part of the day)
2. Make sure you and your child wear weather appropriate clothing.  We will be outside ALL DAY! You will want to wear exercise clothes and tennis shoes.  
3. This is a giant scavenger hunt that parents lead the kids on around Forest Park.  The clues are on an app called Klikaklu.  This app is only on iphones unfortunately.  If you don't have an iphone, you can still come.  We will just arrange our groups accordingly.  
4. We try to start the race as close to 9 am as possible.  Groups finish at different times so we just have the finished groups head over to the playground while they wait.  We will eat lunch there and then head home sometime around 1:30.  
5. If you know that you would like to come, please RSVP and let me know if you have access to an iphone or ipad with cell service.  It's easiest if you tell me what type of device you have available to you.  
6. We will be going rain or shine, as long as it is safe for the kids (obviously no thunderstorms or giant downpours.  

Important Dates:

April 27th: Grandparent's Day and Operetta

May 1st-5th: Standardized Testing Week
May 19th: Field Day
May 22nd: Amazing Race Field Trip 
May 26th: Last Day of School - Closing Chapel at 8:45 a.m. - please join us
                 Dismissal at 11 a.m. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

March 27th

Hello parents,
Spring break is over already and we are down to just one quarter of school left.  Thanks for all of your support so far this year.  I am so proud of your kids and the way they have grown up.  Lately I have caught them pulling out books and homework all on their own when they finish things early or have a spare minute during transition times.  We have talked about this all year, but now they do it without reminders or prompts.  Maturity and responsibility are blossoming!

Here's what we have going on for the next couple of weeks:
We are discussing baptism and all of the gifts that God showers on us through this sacrament.

We will be focusing our attention on a lot of geometry concepts in the next week or so.  On Monday Mrs. Reck-Meyer came in and helped us use 3D pens to draw rectangular prisms.  Check out our pictures on Twitter!

We have been working on writing a personal narrative.  The final copy of this will be due on Monday.  Since everyone works at a different pace, I can't give specific assignments.  We will be doing mini lessons in class and I will be conferencing with each child during class time.  They will be responsible for completing all of the steps and having a final copy to turn in on Monday.  I am linking all of the videos we watched as a part of our mini lessons in class  below and will also send home a rubric so they clearly know the expectations for their published copy.

Writing a Personal Narrative

We have been talking about finding the problem and solution in passages/stories that we read.  Next week we will begin a research project where we read non-fiction news articles and dissect the problem and solution.  Then the kids will report on those articles and be asked to come up with innovative solutions to the problems they report on.  This will be a project that takes us a couple of weeks, but is well worth the time.  I love how it makes them think outside of our Lutheran bubble and gives them a chance to be more ministry minded.

We are discussing patterns of motion right now and have been conducting several experiments in class to help us observe these patterns and collect data.

Important Dates:

April 13th: Maundy Thursday - 4th Grade will lead chapel at 8:35 a.m. 
April 14th: Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
April 17th: Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
April 27th: Grandparent's Day and Operetta

May 1st-5th: Standardized Testing Week
May 19th: Field Day
May 26th: Last Day of School - Closing Chapel at 8:45 a.m. - please join us
                 Dismissal at 11 a.m. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6th

Hello parents,
3rd Quarter is almost over!  It's hard to believe how quickly the year is going.  This is what we have going on for the next couple of weeks.

Important Dates:
March 15th:  3rd grade presents chapel at 8:35 a.m. 

March 20th-24th: Spring Break, NO SCHOOL 

April 13th: Maundy Thursday - 4th Grade will lead chapel at 8:35 a.m. 
April 14th: Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
April 17th: Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
April 27th: Grandparent's Day and Operetta

May 1st-5th: Standardized Testing Week
May 19th: Field Day
May 23rd: Amazing Race Field Trip at Forest Park
May 26th: Last Day of School - Closing Chapel at 8:45 a.m. - please join us
                 Dismissal at 11 a.m. 

Fundraiser for CCLS-U:

On Friday your child brought home a yellow envelope with information on our Read-a-thon.  This week is Read Across America week.  Mr. Fishburn and I decided to use this as an opportunity to raise money for the 2 kids our class sponsors from CCLS-U.  This Wednesday we will be reading for 90 minutes in class.  Your child has been asked to collect pledges from family and friends that will then be sent to our CCLS-U students.  It takes $250 a year for each child to attend CCLS-U.  If each child in 3rd grade is able to raise $17.50 then we will be able to pay the tuition for Peter and Tilda!  Please help your child plan out what types of books they plan to read on Wednesday so that they can correctly ask for pledges.  The envelopes and money do not need to be turned in until Monday March 13th.  Thanks for your support!   On Wednesday your child may bring an extra snack and a blanket to read with if they choose.  


We are finishing up the last couple of book reviews for the March Book Madness Tournament.  The first round of voting is almost over!  Follow the bulletin boards around the school to see which books students across the country have enjoyed the most.  Your child will be completing a summary book report on their favorite book this week.  More information will be sent home on Tuesday!  

End of Quarter Stuff:
  • Please remember to turn in Service Project forms no later than Friday! 
  • Your child's grades are pretty much up to date on Educate.  You can check out how your child is doing and encourage them to keep working hard!  (I have not entered last week's Spelling, Memory, and some of the late/absent assignments that have been turned into me.   
Chapel Day:
Your kiddos will be presenting chapel on Wednesday March 15th at 8:35 am.  You are welcome to join us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21st

Hello parents,
I know that you have all been enjoying the long weekends and beautiful weather.  It certainly makes February more enjoyable!  Here's what we will be doing in 3rd grade over the next couple of weeks.

Our class is presenting chapel on March 15th.  I am planning to have the kids help write and present the chapel service.  Therefore a large chunk of our religion time will be dedicated to that.  Please join us on March 15th at 8:30 am!

We have been working on perimeter and area.  As we finish up area, we will move on to volume.

Our language arts time is currently being dedicated to 2 things:
1. Reading the books for March Book Madness.  This is a bracket style tournament for books that is modeled after the NCAA tournament.  Voting begins March 1st on the 16 books.  Each day we read a book, choose vocabulary words from the book, and write a book review for it.  Check out our purple wall downstairs that is full of all the new words we are learning.  
2. Black History Month - We are learning about our nation's history with slavery, and working our way up to the Civil Rights Movement.  As we move into the month of March, we will be focusing on how we can make a difference in our community just like Rosa Parks, MLK Jr., and so many others did.

We are still talking about Force and Motion.  I have been trying to get the kids in the habit of reflecting on our lessons and experiments using Seesaw.  This way, you can get a good sense of what we are talking about and if your child needs some more time to grasp the concepts.

Social Studies:
Mr. Fishburn is now beginning to discuss the Judicial Branch of the United States government.

Important Dates:
March 15th - Chapel Presentation by 3rd grade
March 20th-24th: Spring Break, NO SCHOOL 

April 14th: Good Friday - NO SCHOOLApril 17th: Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
April 27th: Grandparent's Day and Operetta

May 1st-5th: Standardized Testing Week
May 19th: Field Day
May 26th: Last Day of School - Closing Chapel at 8:45 a.m. - please join us
                 Dismissal at 11 a.m. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6th

Hello parents,
It is February, sometimes the hardest month of the year.  However, this is also when I tend to come to school and realize how much the kids have grown in the past few months.  I experienced this last week.  While your kiddos are still very young, they have become so much more independent and able to problem solve.  They are learning new words, having sophisticated discussion about books and science, learning new formulas in math, and developing a stronger faith.  It is absolutely wonderful to watch and I would encourage you to challenge your kids at home as well.

This is our last week with Mr. Bartok.  He has done an excellent job of teaching your kids about the Lord's Prayer.  Please be sure to thank him if you are in our classroom in the mornings.

We have been working on perimeter and multiplication the last couple of weeks.  This week we will be building on those concepts and begin talking about how to find the area of an object.

As I have been grading homework and tests, I am noticing that many of the kids are struggling with the tests, but do very well on their homework.  I try hard to make a point of going through their homework in class and allow them to fix their mistakes and ask questions.  I have no problem with parents helping with homework, but I would encourage you to not just give them the answers or point out mistakes.  Give them a chance to find their own mistakes.  One idea is to say, " I see 3 mistakes on this paper.  Can you find them?" This helps teach them to check their own work and look more closely at the quality of their work.

We are wrapping up our last session of book clubs by putting a book review up on seesaw.  This week we will start a session of book clubs using picture books that focus on Black History Month.  We will be doing some cross over with Social Studies as we discuss civil rights and our nation's history with this issue.  The kids will be engaging in serious discussions and may come home with questions.  Thanks for taking the time to talk with your kids about things!

Social Studies:
We are continuing our study on the United States government.  Today the kids did a simulation that allowed them to pass a bill on the rules of soccer at CCLS.

We are still talking about magnetic force and doing experiments.  Your kids will be posting the findings of their experiment on Seesaw.

Our school auction is coming up next Saturday!  There is still time to help out or buy tickets.  Our class just needs 1 more volunteer to complete the Classroom Challenge and earn a free dress day.  Here is the link to our class grid and the volunteer sign up:
Classroom Challenge
Volunteer Sign UP

No School! - No School next Monday 2/13 and Tuesday 2/14

Valentine's Party
Our class party is this Friday at 2pm.  I will send a list of class names in an email.

Monday, January 23, 2017

National Lutheran Schools Week

Happy Lutheran Schools Week!
Here are the basic things you will need to know for the week:

Spirit Dress Days
  • Monday - Comfy Day (please bring tennis shoes)
  • Tuesday - Crazy Hair/Hat Day
  • Wednesday - Dress Up for Jesus Day (wear your nicest clothes)
  • Thursday - Favorite Team Day
  • Friday - Make a 100th day shirt to wear on Friday Jan. 27th.  Attach or draw 100 things to a shirt to show off at our 100th day parade.   

Oatmeal Challenge
Our school will be collecting boxes of instant oatmeal with single serve packets to help hungry children in our area. This is part of Operation Food Search, where they send a backpack full of food home each weekend to needy children. The children return the backpack to be filled again. Please send boxes of instant oatmeal any day next week. The class that brings in the most, will get a little Emoji to clip on their backpacks. Thanks for helping!!

We are beginning multiplication this week!  Starting Wednesday we will begin doing time tests for multiplication facts just like we did for addition during 1st semester.  The goal is that each child will MEMORIZE their facts 0-12 by the end of the year.  They will need to be able to finish 21 facts in 1:30 minutes.  Please help them practice these at home!  

Meet our Seminary student, Mr. Bartok.  Mr. Bartok is from Michigan and moved his family here so he can attend the Seminary.  Part of his course week includes spending 3 weeks in a classroom to learn some good teaching strategies.  He will be spending the next 3 weeks with us teaching the kids every morning for religion.  Please welcome him if you see him in our classroom in the mornings!

Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9th

Hello parents,
I pray that you are all staying healthy and warm this week.  I want to say a big thank you to all the parents that came for our Christmas party.  It is so nice that you all take the time to plan things for the kids!  Here's what is coming up this week:

We will begin working our way through the Apostle's Creed.  I have put up the rest of the memory work for the year.

We are doing a unit on Fractions right now that will take us through the middle to end of next week.  I plan to stray from the book for a lot of the assignments and the end test as well.  Next week we will begin working on multiplication as well.  This will be something that we work on for the rest of the school year.  The goal is that your child develops fluency and speed with their multiplication facts 0-12.

Reading/Language Arts:
Currently we are looking at non fiction texts about space.  We will be working very hard on finding the main idea of paragraphs and articles that we read.  I am also having the kids do several writing assignments which will require them to use a main idea and detail correctly.  Most of this writing will be worked on in class so that I can conference and work through the difficult parts with them.  However, depending on the speed of their writing, some of it may need to be finished at home.

Social Studies:
We are joining Mr. Fishburn's class in learning about our country's government.

We have begun a new unit on Force and Motion that will take us most of the way to Spring Break.  A letter describing the unit in more detail will be sent home tomorrow.