Zoo/Science Center - Monday Oct. 3
Religion: This week's Character Formation lessons emphasize self-sacrifice. We continue the story of Abraham with God's direction to sacrifice the son Abraham and Sarah waited so long to have. Abraham had learned to trust God completely and was willing to give up one of his most important possessions, his son, the key to fulfilling God's covenant promise. In Abraham's mind, God was faithful before, He would somehow prove faithful again. How willing are we to follow God all the way in every part of our lives? Thankfully, His Son, Jesus, did that for us to be able to save us.
We study the 5th Commandment this week. God did not want harm to come to Isaac. Murder is prevalent in our city. We are also guilty when we cause hurt or harm to others either physically and emotionally. We will look at the examples of Cain and Abel as well, as the Good Samaritan.
Math: We start the 2nd unit with an investigation of pictographs and bar graphs. We will proceed to place value, reading and writing numbers through 999, and adding two digit numbers.
Spelling: This week's list concentrates on the long "o" sound. With the short week, contracts are due on Thursday. New spelling lists will be assigned that day to be completed over the weekend.
Grammar: We will combine short sentences with the use of a comma and a conjunction. Though we finished subjects and predicates, we will revisit them. Many students were rock solid on these, while others still need some work.
Social Studies: Let the project begin! Students will be paired up to plan a map or model to depict the difference between rural and urban environments. In class, they will research books and the internet to cite their information. Presentations will most likely occur next week.
Science: We finished the six days of drawings and observations of our seeds in our mini sprouters. One student described them as looking like a jungle. We had that much growth in a short time with only water, no light, and no soil. We also compared the weight and other properties of dry and soaked lima bean seeds. We have one more activity to disperse seeds as naturally as possible to simulate how seeds get moved away from the parent plants. We should be ready for an Investigation Check, written assessment, by next week.
Reading: We will read "The Perfect Pet". Once again, we will identify the problem and follow a sequence of events that lead to a solution. Other skills include reading a diagram and a dictionary entry. We will also have a review of the vocabulary words covered in this unit.
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