Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Week of February 29th

Hello parents,
I just have a few important things to note for you.

As some of you may know, each class has been asked to support a student at CCLS-U this year.  The cost of tuition and supplies for each student there is $250.  Our students name is Gladys and she is also in the 3rd grade.  As a 3rd grade, we will be doing a Read-a-Thon this Wednesday March 2nd in school to help raise the $250 for Gladys to go to school.  Your child should have brought home an envelope with information and a spreadsheet to take pledges on.  Please consider with your child how your family can help support Gladys.  Our Read-a-Thon will take place during the afternoon and we will be reading for about 1 hour.  We are asking that all pledges and donations be collected and turned in by Thursday March 10th.  Thanks for your support!

Our class is presenting chapel this Wednesday March 2nd.  You can join us in the sanctuary at 8:35 am. If at all possible please try to get your kiddos her no later than 8:15 so that we can set up in the sanctuary.

Homework Policy
I mentioned last week that I will be revising the homework policy slightly for 4th quarter in order to help transition your kids into 4th grade.  Here is the new homework policy:

Late work: Late work will be given an automatic 75% if it is not turned in the morning that it is due.
(The previous policy stated that it would receive 10% off the original grade for a week.  After being a week late then it got a 50% when turned in.)

Redos: I will no longer be accepting redos to be turned in for a grade change.  If you would like your child to redo an assignment/test to make sure that they understand the concept, they are more than welcome to show it to me and ask questions.  However, I will no longer be changing grades on assignments that are redone.

At this point in the year, your child is able to better ask questions on things they do not understand before they hand things in to me.

Multiplication Facts
Your kids have been working hard in school to learn their multiplication facts.  However, this is a skill that must be memorized and repeated a lot in order to keep the knowledge they have acquired.  Please be sure to spend a few minutes each day at home on multiplication facts.  This will greatly aid them on the time it takes to complete math homework in 4th grade.

Important Dates

  • March 14-18th - NO School - Spring Break
  • March 25th - NO School - Good Friday
  • March 28th - NO School - Easter Monday
  • April 11th-15th - Achievement Testing Week
  • April 21st - Elementary Grandparent's Day; look for schedule soon
  •   7:00 p.m. Elementary Operetta at Webster Gardens 
  • May 26th - Last Day of School; Join us for closing worship and early dismissal 

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