Math: We are continuing to learn about time and how to use a clock as well as thermometers. The best way to help these concepts stick is through practical daily application. Ask your kiddos what time it is and don't let them look at a digital clock.
Reading: This week we are reading a story about a little boy who writes letters to his grandmother in Korea. This would be a great opportunity to connect with long distance relatives. We will be working on story elements such as plot, setting, and character traits as well as writing letters in the correct form.
Social Studies: Tomorrow we will be sending home a test review that is required to have filled out and turned in by Thursday. This will be worth around 10 points. On Thursday there will be a short 10-15 point quiz over the continents, hemispheres, oceans etc. If your kiddo is able to fill out the review guide and goes over it a couple of times they will be in great shape for the quiz.
Spelling: I am still working through a few glitches and perfecting our individual spelling list system. One thing that I noticed this week while checking lists is that some of the kids picked all of their words from the very first couple pages of the word bank packet. In order to expose them to all the phonics skills and a variety of words, please make sure your child spends time looking through the entire packet of words and makes an effort to pick words throughout the packet.
Field Trips:
- Friday September 4th - Fresh Pasture Farms and Trinity Lutheran Church in Soulard. I can still use a couple extra parents if anyone would like to come. Please let me know if you're interested. Bring good walking shoes and a sack lunch. The bus will be leaving at 9:15 and returning at 2:15.
- Monday October 6th - St. Louis Zoo We will need quite a few parents to help us walk around with the kids on this trip. Please let me know if you are able to come with us. The bus will leave school at 9 am and return to school at 2 pm. Bring a sack lunch and good walking shoes.
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