Monday, August 18, 2014

The 1st Monday of the year

I cannot tell you how much I am already loving my class this year.  Your kids are so much fun to be around.  Here are some little tidbits of information to help get the year going smoothly.

Mr. Donze
We have a wonderful teacher aide helping us in 3rd grade this year.  Kevin Donze will be floating between both rooms every room to help out.  If you get a chance to say hello and introduce yourself please do so!

We are learning the theme verse this week and it is posted on the memory page of the blog.  Your kiddos can find it in their Bibles or look it up on the blog.  They all wrote down the reference in their planner this morning.  It always helps to have them write it down, so have them copy it from their Bible into their planner.

We have been learning the "10 Ways to Pray" this week and your kiddos have already started volunteering to pray in class.  If they seem nervous about it, give them an opportunity to practice at dinner or before bed in front of family.  That way they aren't always in front of such a huge crowd.

We are also learning how to look up verses in the Bible, which means we are learning the books of the Bible.  Here's a song to help.  (It's seriously catchy.)
Morning Routine
Our morning routine in 3rd grade is very important.  This is the time that I can help your kiddos get organized and have a chance to ask questions.  Everything takes a little longer right now, so please make every effort to allow them the time to get organized before school starts.  This really helps them feel less stressed the rest of the day and they can focus on class.  

Everything Else
We will be hitting the books pretty hard next week.  This week we are reviewing a little bit and doing a lot of introductions to the subjects.  Let me know if you have questions.  Have a great week!

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