Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week of March 3rd

We will be having Operetta practice every afternoon this week.

Pennies for Playground
Our class has been volunteered (by me of course, but don't let them know that) to count the coins that are brought in each day.  We will then be making a bar graph to put in the hallway as we keep the totals.  This will be the majority of our math period this week.  You can count on facts sheets going home with them every day though.

We will be reading a different Dr. Seuss book each day and working on different grammar, spelling, or literary skills with them.  This is because Dr. Seuss' birthday is this week.  Also, we will not have time to do a regular Reading story with a spelling list and reading test because of all the other things this week.

Your kiddos will be working quite a bit in class on their science unit.  Last week we introduced them to Powtoons.  They should have brought home the sheet of instructions on it.  There are links to my example powtoons as well as directions to set up an account and then where to find the tutorial.  I suggested that the kids just play around on it and see what they can create before they try to do their project on it.  This may save you and your kiddo some headaches when doing the actual assignment.  Please let me know if you have any troubles with setting up their account.  Otherwise, we told them to be creative and have fun exploring and learning about their planet.

Friday is pajama/comfy day.  Friday afternoon we will be showing the K-4 kids a Dr. Seuss movie in the gym.  I will allow each kid to bring in one item to sit/lay on.  This could be a pillow or blanket, but please no large stuffed animals.

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