Thursday, April 30, 2015

News Stories

As promised, here are the news videos that your kiddos made this week.  The assignment was, read "Beatrice's Goat" and pick out the problem and solution in her story.   Then research problems around the world and how they are being solved.  Be sure to include what causes and effects of these problems are and share them in a news cast.  Here's what your kiddos came up with:

Ryan, Camy, Michael, Emery

Zoe, Paige, William, Danielle, Marissa

Brendan, Katelynn, Annabelle, Ava

Max, Reese, Malainna, Joshua

Kylie, McKinley, Laben, Charlie

Dyson, Kate, Claire, Oscar

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of April 27th

Hello parents,
This will be the first normal week that we have had in a while.  I will be sending each of your kiddos home with a picture frame and picture of them with their grandparents by the end of the week.  You may give these to grandparents however you choose.  I had such a wonderful time visiting with all of your families.  It's always fun to see the kids interact with their grandparents and show them what we do here at school.  Thank you all for coming and supporting the kids and Katie Killian at the Operetta.  Katie did an amazing job getting everything organized and teaching the kids.  Please be sure to tell her if you get a chance.

This week:

Language Arts:
Last week we began reading a story in our reading books about a girl who bought a goat and used it to make money so she could go to school.  We did a lot of work with vocabulary and reading strategies as we read the story.
Now this week we will be doing our own writing workshop in a sort of Project Based Learning Style.  I posed this question to the kids:  "What is a major problem around the world, and how can it be solved?"  They will be producing news reports after they have researched their problems to share these current events with you.  I will be putting their videos up on the blog!!!

Tomorrow I will be teaching the kids about making change with money.  We will spend a couple of days on this since it can be a tough thing to wrap their little brains around.  

We have started our last Science unit on animals and ecosystems.   This is a topic that was covered on the achievement tests, but we aren't able to teach it until the spring.  I will be sending home a calendar of due dates and events this week to help you plan for what we are doing.  A major part of the requirements for this project is taking pictures of animals at the zoo.  Please do all that you can to make sure your child is there that day.  It is a fun day of learning!!!

Important Dates to Remember:

  • Monday May 4th- Zoo Field Trip 9am - 1:30 pm (We have plenty of parents but you are still welcome to join us!)
  • Friday May 15th - Field Day
  • Friday May 15th - LAST Day to turn in Missing/Late Work 
  • Monday May 18th- Amazing Race at Forest Park 9am - 2:00pm (We have plenty of parents but you are still welcome to join us!)
  • Thursday May 21st - 8th Grade Graduation at Concordia campus 7pm
  • Friday May 22nd - Last day of school!  11am dismissal

Monday, April 20, 2015

Today's homework

We were not able to finish this activity in class, but it is necessary for tomorrow's lesson.  Here are the instructions.

1. Follow this link and look at the pictures of the children's bedrooms.
16 Children's Bedrooms from Around the World

2. Choose 2 children to compare your own room with.

3. Fill out the Venn diagram comparing your own room with each of the children you chose.
You may use bullets but please do this neatly and use phrases instead of one word.
You must have:
- At least 5 bullets for their own room
- At least 5 bullets for the other child's room
- 3-5 bullets in the middle (if possible)
- A small picture of the room (optional)

This is due on TUESDAY 4/21

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week of Achievement Tests

Achievement Test week has to be every parents favorite week because it generally means no homework.  Or maybe it just means tears at home because your child just couldn't remember what 5+10 equals.  Either way, your kiddos are working their brains hard and I am very proud of them.

This week: 

  1. I am not sending homework home
  2. There is no spelling or memory this week
  3. We practicing for Operetta in the afternoons
  4. We are still working a little bit on economics in the afternoons
  5. By tomorrow afternoon I should have all the missing work and other grades up to date in MyKoob.  
Next Week: 
  • Thursday April 23- Grandparents Day (I have shared the flyer with you in a separate email from google docs)
  • Thursday April 23 - Operetta Dress Rehearsal @ 2pm (grandparents/parents are invited to attend if you cannot watch the actual performance later in the evening. 
  • Thursday April 23 - Operetta @7pm (Invite your families!)
    • We will be hosting an ice cream social after the Operetta and during the Art Show.  This will be a FREEWILL Donation to help raise money for next year's Author Visit.  
Rest of the Year 

  • Zoo Field Trip - Monday 5/4 9am - 1:30 pm (I still need more parents to come with us.  We will be gathering pictures to supplement our animal/ecosystem unit)  
  • Field Day - May 15th 
  • Amazing Race Field Trip -  Monday 5/18   9 am - 2 pm  I REALLY need more parents until at least Noon.  We will have a picnic lunch and just play in the park in the afternoon.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Week of April 6th

Hi parents,
I am so sorry that I have been writing to you in the middle of the week lately.  My after school schedule has changed recently, and I'm not able to get this written on Mondays like I used to be.  Therefore, I will be trying to inform you of things a little more ahead of time so you know what to expect on Mondays as well.

We have a short verse this week and we will work on it more in class tomorrow since I was late getting it up on the blog.

Social Studies
I am so pleased with the grades that came out of the government test.  This is a notoriously hard unit and for the most part, I can tell your kiddos worked hard studying and paying attention in class.  We are beginning an economics unit this week.   Use this chance to teach your kiddos about money at home too!

We have begun to get into harder concepts in Math.  I just put in our most recent math test grade and they are very disappointing.  There are a couple of points that I plan to review with the kids, but after looking at the tests it seems the kids made a lot of rushed mistakes (not putting $, not labeling answers, not double checking to finish the whole problem, not reading correctly, etc.)
This is something we will be talking about tomorrow in class.  I plan to keep their tests so that they can look at them and ask questions of me before they go home.  We will have plenty of tests to help bring up their grade, but as always, they can fix their mistakes (if they scored below a 70%) and I'll average the two grades together. Please encourage your student to double check their work and take thorough time to finish.

Achievement Tests
We will be testing in the mornings next week.  Please make sure your child is able to do the following:
1. Get plenty of rest each night
2. Eat a good breakfast each morning
3. Bring a water bottle to school
4. Is here by 8:15 to get their morning routine finished.

I will be closing the doors at 8:20 and won't be able to take questions after that.  Please respectful of our time schedule and the other students in the class by helping their morning start in a calm manner.  

Upcoming events
* Achievement Tests - April 13-16
*Grandparents Day - April 23
*Zoo Field Trip (9-1:30) - May 4th - We need and can take as many of you as would like to join us. 
* Field Day - May 15
* Amazing Race Field Trip (9-2:00) - May 18 -We NEED at least 12 parents.  Ask some parents from the current 4th grade class if this is worth a day off of work.  I'll bet they all say YES!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Holy Week and Other Things

Hello parents,
Spring is here and Easter is coming!  I pray that you are all able to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord this coming weekend.  All of our churches have plenty of services that they are offering for you and your family to go worship.

Here's what you need to know for the upcoming days:

We have been working on helping verbs and main verbs this week.  We will have a very short and simple quiz tomorrow in class.  The kiddos should be able to pick out the main action verb and the helping verb in a sentence.

Ex. Our class has been making art for each day of Holy Week.  main verb- making  helping verb- been

Social Studies
We have been studying our country's government and even had Mr. Witcher come and share his experience with the Supreme Court with us.  We will be having a test on Tuesday to finish up this unit.  The kids have been putting together a government flapbook with all of their notes from class. This should be in their Social Studies binder.  As long as they have been following in class, they will have all the notes they need.  They will need to be able to answer any questions about the things they have taken notes on in their flapbook.  This test will be very good practice for their achievement tests in a couple weeks.

We will be having our spelling test on Thursday this week because Friday is reserved for Good Friday activities.  However, they can turn in their spelling homework on Friday morning.

We are also taking our memory test on Thursday this week.

Upcoming Events

  • No School on Easter Monday 
  • Early Dismissal on Good Friday (12:00)
  • Achievement Tests - April 13-16
  • Zoo Day Field Trip - Monday May 4 (9am - 1:30pm)
    • We can use as many of you as are able to come
  • Amazing Race Day Field Trip - Monday May 18 at Forest Park (9am - 2pm)
    • We will NEED at least 12 parents to make this day run smoothly, but can always use more if you are able (Make sure you are ready to walk/jog all around the park)