Monday, August 26, 2013

Week of August 23rd

Hello 3rd grade families,
     I hope you all had a good time at the carnival.  Thanks to everyone that helped and came out to support CCLS in the hot weather.  Speaking of the hot weather, please send your child to school with a water bottle that has a good lid.  I know some already have this, but they are getting extra thirsty in the heat.  This week we are really getting into our reading book with spelling, vocab, grammar, and stories.  Our theme for the week is "New Beginnings".  Here's what to expect:
They will be given vocab cards to fill in with words from the story.  They should use the glossary in their book to find definitions.  Each card is worth 5 points, so make sure they do them all by Wed.  You can find a copy to the link for more cards under the Reading page.  Here's the list:
(from pg. 12 in book)
1. downstairs   2. nervous   3. fumbled   4. chuckled   5. nonsense   6. trudged

Memory Work
We will work on the books of the Bible quite a bit this week, especially how to pronounce them.  Here's some ideas to help at home:
1. Write each one on an index card and make them put them in order while saying the name.
2. Time them to see how fast they can say the list.
3. Give them a book to find in the Bible without using the Table of Contents
4. Make a funny acronym out of the names.
5. Put the names to a song (link on Memory Work page)

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

     I think that we had a great 2 whole days of school so far, but there is a lot of year ahead of us.  This week we will be getting into the swing of things slowly.  You can expect to have Math homework every night, and one writing assignment due on Wednesday.  Have a great week!